Friday 5 April 2013


Practical biology 

specimen a is a stem of cassava.
Specimen a is propagated by stem cutting.
Specimen a consist of nodes .a leaf or palmate leaf . 
Botanical name = manihof spp. 
Pest of specimen a includes. (a) grasshopper (b) white flies (c) mealy bug (d) rodents .
Disease of specimen a are cassava mosaic, leaf spot , root knot e.t.c
Characteristics Of Specimen A
(a) Possession  of notes 
(b) presence of inter nodes 
(c) Possession  of buds 
(d) Possession  of leaves and leaves stalk
 (e) it stores food in the roots.

Specimen B 
Specimen b is a plantain or banana sucker . 
Method of propagating specimen b is by sucker. 
Class of fruit of specimen b is a berry. 
Other plants in the same class of berry are  
(a) Tomato
(b) guava
(c) garden eggs 
Other plants that can propagated by sucker are 
(a) pineaple 
(b) bannana . 
Suckers are underground young plants which develop from the axillary buds of the parent plant. Ecological consequence of sucker is over crowding leading to a competition for space, light and available food resources .

Characteristics Of Specimen B
(a) presence of advations roots
(b) Possession   of axillary buds
(c) Possession   of leaf base
(d) underground stem of main shoot is also present economic

 Important Of Specimen B
(a) the new plant arises from the stem sucker is a source of income to the farmers
(b) the fruit cell is also a source of income
(c) the fruit is a good source of food, vitamins, minerals, e.t.c  
(d)the leaf base of the main shoot can also host pests and diseases.

Similarities Between Specimen A And B 
(a) Both are propagated through their vegetative parts. 
(b) both consist of buds

Differences Between Specimen A And B
Specimen a
(a)  its a stem of cassava
(b) absense of the stem sucker
(c) it is dicot
Specimen B
(a) it is a plantain sucker
(b) presence of stem sucker
(c) it is a monocot

Specimen C
Specimen c is runner of grass. Runners are stems which grow horizontally on the surface of the ground examples are (a) imperata cylindrical
(b) runner of sweet potato
(c) strawberry
(d) blueberry e.t.
General Characteristics Of A Runner
(a)    Possession   of buds
(b)   they grow horizontally to the surface of the ground
(c)    they are organs of vegetative propagation
(d)   Possession   of advatition roots.

Similarities Between Specimen B & C
(a)    both are propagated through their vegetative parts
(b)   both have advertition roots
(c)    scale leaves are present in both specimen

Differences Between Specimen B & C
Specimen b
(a)    its a plantain sucker
(b)   Possession  of underground stem
(c)    stem sucker grow vertically
Specimen C
(a)    is a runner of grass.
(b)   the stem grow on the surface of the ground
(c)    stem runner grow horizontally.

Specimen D
Specimen d is spirogyra filaments in water in a petric dish. Specimen d is a filaments plants in the division of thallophyt. Other organisms in the thallophyt are (a)sargassum (b)closterium (c)anabaena , e.t.c

Characteristics Of Specimen D
(a) Possession  of clchiroplast
(b) Possession  of mucilage
(c) Possession   of cell wall
(d) Possession   of pyreniod
(e) it is a simple multicellular
Mode Of Reproduction: -specimen d carries out intimate reproduction by conjugation & intimate reproduction by fragmentation -when specimen d (spirogyra)cell is immersed in salt (super) solution more concentrated than its cell sap, the cell (spirogyra)we shrink & die (plasmolysis have taking place). -rub the filament of the specimen d gently between your fingers & you will observe that the filaments are coated with mucilage which makes them slimy. -place a filament of specimen d in a cover slip or white tide & place a drop of iodine solution the part(portion)of the specimen.the portion turned blue-black showing the presence of starch. -the invunerable bubbles of gas form among the threads of specimen d shows that oxygen is evolved during photosynthesis.
Mode Of Nutrition Of Specimen D: autotroph (holophytic) nutrition. –
The Habitat Of Specimen D is aquatic (moist place)

Characteristics Of Specimen E
(a)    it consist of bronehioles
(b)   it also consist of alveoli
(c)    it consist of network of blood capillaries
(d)   it is used for respiration -respiration is a metabolic process wchich takes part in living cells by which organic nutrients are broken down to release energy(atp)for life activity

Similarities Between Photosynthesis And Respiration
(a)    both occur in living organism

Differences Between Respiration And Photosynthesis
(a)    it is exothermic
(b)   it occur in plants and animals
(c)    respiration is a catabolic process
(d)   heat is liberated
(e)    oxygen is used
(a)    it is endothermic
(b)   it occur only in plants
(c)    photosynthesis is an anaerobic procees
(d)   heat is absorbed
(e)    oxygen is liberated

Specimen F
Specimen f is freshly perserved toad.
Habitat of specimen f is terrestial-aquatic.
Respiratory organ: lungs, skin, gills, and  buea cavity.
Class of specimen f is amphibian.
Parental care= none.
Reproduction= intimate.
Fertilization= external.
Excretory organ= kidney.
Mode of nutrition = carnivores, during adult stage and  herbivore during tadpole stage
Stages Of Development Of Specimen F
specimen f undergoes various stages of development which are
(a)    courtship stage
(b)   the egg stage
(c)    the young tadpole stage
(d)   the external gill stage
(e)    the internal gill stage
(f)    the limb stage
(g)    the young toad stage.
Metamorphosis Of Specimen F
 specimen f undergoes imcomplete metemorphosis, that is from egg à tadpole à adult. Metamorphosis is the series of gradual charges of forms and shape of an insect from the fertilised egg to adult.

Effects Or Role Of Hormone In The Development Of Toad ( Specimen F)
in the specimen f,metamorphosis is controlled by the hormone called thyroxin, thyroxin fastens the rates of metamorphosis.
Characteristics Of Specimen F
(a)    Possession   of bulg eye
(b)   Possession   of poisonous gland
(c)    specimen f exibit dual life
(d)   absense of neek
(e)    Possession   of webbed limbs
Adaptation Of Specimen F  To It's Habitat
(a)    Possession   of poisonous glands for defence
(b)   presence of long sticky tongue for capturin of prey
(c)    Possession   of webbed limbs for swimming
(d)   Possession   of tympanic membrane for recieving sound
(e)    absense of tail for easy hopping.
Economic Importace Of Specimen F
(a)    it destroyed some equatic weeds during tadpole stage
(b)   it reduce the effect of structural adaptative of insects.
(c)    it serve as a food to terrestrial organism eg hawk,snake e.t.c
(d)   it also serve as food to some aquatic species

Specimen G1
specimen g1 is water leaf plant with fleshy stem
Structural Adaptative Of Specimen G1
(a)    Possession   of taproot system
(b)   Possession   of lenticels
(c)    pressure of hair root
(d)   Possession   of succulent leaves

Differences Between Monocot And Dicot Monocot
(a)    Possession   of narrow cortex
(b)   absense of cambium
(c)    Possession   of fibrous root system
(d)   Possession   of broad leaf tip
(a)    Possession   of wide cortex
(b)   presence of cambium
(c)    Possession   of taproot system
(d)   Possession   of pointed leaf tip

Specimen G2
specimen g2 is water leaf plant with fleshy stem (left in eosin solution for minimum of six hours).
An experiment to show that the xylem tissue conducts water upwards from the roots through the stem to the leaves. Aim of the experiment to show that the xylem tissue conducts water upwards from the roots through the stem to the leave method of the experiment a young herbaceous plant (specimen g2)is uprooted, washed and placed in a beaker containing eosin solution(red ink) the roots must be completely coverd by the solution (eosin) leave the set up for about six hours at the end of six hours, the plants is brought out & washed in a tap water. Transverse section of the roots, stems,7leavesof the plant are made & examined under a microscope . Observation-the xylem vessels are staird red conclusion-it shows that the xylem tissue conducts water in plant.

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